脚.jpegSummer is here, and it's time to enjoy the sunny weather and outdoor activities. But before you hit the beach or go on a hiking trip, have you considered your 脚 health? Your feet are constantly at work, supporting your entire body weight and helping you move around. 所以,为什么不在今年夏天给予他们应得的关注呢?

作为新英格兰东南部值得信赖的供应商,主要的护理 是来帮忙的. Our board-certified 足s have the experience necessary to give you an accurate diagnosis and help you get back on your feet. Schedule an appointment 与 us today and ensure your feet are summer-ready!


Keep on reading to find out the top 10 reasons why you should see a 足 this summer.


Before we dive into the reasons, let's first understand the importance of 脚 health. Each of your feet contains 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 它们支撑着你的体重,帮助你四处走动. Any issues 与 your feet can affect your balance, posture, and overall well-being.

That's why it's essential to take care of your feet and seek professional help when needed. A at 主要的护理 can not only address your current 脚 problems but also provide preventive care to keep your feet healthy in the long run.


夏天让我们的脚暴露在其他季节没有遇到过的环境中, 导致特定的足部问题. 以下是最常见的问题:

  1. 脚气: 这种真菌感染在温暖的环境中繁殖, 潮湿的环境, 使夏季成为传播的最佳季节, 尤其是在公共游泳池和淋浴间.
  2. 足底筋膜炎: Increased outdoor activities can strain the plantar fascia, leading to heel pain.
  3. 晒伤: 经常被忽视, 脚也会被晒伤, 尤其是顶部, 穿凉鞋或人字拖时,哪些是直接暴露的.
  4. 脱水和脚肿: High temperatures can cause dehydration, leading to swollen feet as your body retains water.
  5. 水泡: Wearing new sandals or walking more can cause friction against the skin, resulting in blisters.
  6. 割伤和擦伤: Going bare脚 or wearing open-toed shoes increases the risk of cuts and scrapes, 如果治疗不当,哪些会导致感染.

户外活动的增加, 穿保护性较差的鞋, 暴露在病原体滋生的公共场所, all contribute to the prevalence of these conditions during the warmer months.


1. 摆脱脚部疼痛

疼痛是不正常的,不应该被忽视. 如果你在走路时感到持续的脚痛, 站, 或者进行日常活动, 该去看足病医生了. 你越早解决这个问题, 你就能越快找到解脱,重新享受你的夏天.

与最新的技术和治疗方案在主要的护理, 我们可以帮助减轻你的痛苦,提高你的生活质量.

2. 预防严重的足部问题

Many 脚 problems can develop into something more serious if left untreated. For example, a simple blister can lead to an infection if not treated properly. That's why it's essential to see a 足 at the first sign of any 脚 discomfort, as they can provide the necessary treatment and prevent potential complications.

3. 确保穿著合适的鞋

穿适合你需要的鞋子,尤其是在夏天. 在海滩上穿人字拖和凉鞋可能会很舒服, 但它们缺乏适当的支撑,可能会导致你的脚紧张. Our 足 can recommend appropriate 脚wear that provides comfort and support for your specific 脚 type and needs, 减少疼痛或受伤的风险.

4. 脚部损伤的专家治疗

Summer activities such as hiking, running, and playing sports can put your feet at risk of injuries. 足部专家可以给出正确的诊断和治疗任何足部损伤, 包括扭伤, 骨折, 或肌腱炎. We can also provide guidance on how to prevent future injuries while engaging in physical activities.

5. 糖尿病足部护理 

For people 与 diabetes, taking care of their feet is even more crucial this summer. 糖尿病会增加足部感染和伤口愈合缓慢的风险, 哪些会导致严重的并发症. Our 脚 specialist can provide specialized diabetic 脚 care and help keep your feet healthy.

6. 定制矫正器

非处方鞋垫可以解决一些问题, but custom orthotics are a more effective way to address specific 脚 issues such as flat feet or high arches. 在主要的护理, our 足s can evaluate your feet and create custom-made orthotics that fit your unique 脚 shape and needs, 为您的夏季活动提供支持和舒适.

7. 改善皮肤和指甲状况 

夏天还会增加皮肤和指甲疾病的风险, 比如脚气, 向内生长的指甲, 或者足底疣. 这些情况会让人不舒服, 令人尴尬的, 如果不及时治疗,甚至会导致并发症. Our 脚 specialist can provide an appropriate treatment plan and help you maintain healthy feet all summer long.

8. 缓解脚跟疼痛

足跟疼痛, 如足底筋膜炎或脚跟刺痛, 会使人虚弱,难以享受夏季活动吗. Our 脚 doctor can provide effective treatments to alleviate heel pain and get you back on your feet. 这些可能包括矫形植入物, 物理治疗, 或者在更严重的情况下, 皮质类固醇注射或足部手术.

9. 关于足部护理和保养的专家建议

Our feet go through a lot during the summer, and it's essential to take care of them properly. Our 足s can provide expert advice on 脚 care and maintenance to keep your feet healthy and prevent any issues from arising. 这包括适当的卫生,穿合适的鞋子,和 伸展运动 提高灵活性,防止脚部紧张.

10. 心灵的平静

最后, visiting a 足 this summer even if you're not experiencing any specific 脚 problems, it's always a good idea to get a regular check-up 与 a 足 to ensure your feet are healthy. This can give you peace of mind and catch any potential issues before they become more serious. Our 足s provide comprehensive 脚 exams and can address any concerns you may have about your 脚 health.


在主要的护理, our team is composed of board-certified 足s 与 extensive training in various sub-specialties, 确保无论你有什么问题, 我们有专家可以帮忙. Our commitment to using the latest technologies means we offer treatments that are both effective and minimally invasive whenever possible.

Our specialists have positively impacted the lives of countless patients, as evidenced by our  出色的患者评价. 的便利性 我们的位置 我们的效率  调度系统 mean that your path to pain relief and better 脚 health is both quick and easy.

选择 主要的护理的足病专家 not only grants you access to top-tier medical care but also places you in a supportive and under站 environment. Our teams are committed to not just treating your symptoms but also educating and guiding you towards sustained 脚 health and well-being.


夏天是娱乐和放松的季节, 但在这个季节照顾好你的脚也很重要. From preventing 脚 issues to treating injuries and providing expert advice, 主要的护理's 足s are here to help you maintain healthy feet and enjoy all that summer has to offer. 地理位置便利, 尖端技术, 还有一个富有同情心的专家团队, 主要的护理是满足您所有足部健康需求的完美选择. 

不要因为脚不舒服而错过夏天的乐趣.  安排预约 与  主要的护理的足病医生 今天,踏入一个舒适、活跃、心灵平静的季节.
